Sunday, July 20, 2008
On Purpose #7: Very Becoming Believers
Like any good father, God wants His children to bear His image. But bearing God’s image isn’t automatic and spiritual growth doesn’t just happen. As God’s children, we have to be deliberate in our devotion. From July 20, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
On Purpose #6: United We Stand
We serve a creative Father who doesn’t want cookie cutter kids! He enjoys that we each bring a distinct personality and perspective to His family. However, distinct, separate beings uniting as one takes effort! From July 13, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
On Purpose #5: Formed for His Family
Our relationship with God should be personal, but it was never intended to be private. We simply can’t fulfill our created purpose on our own. From June 29, 2008
On Purpose #4: Best Friends Forever
As friends of God, we can’t settle for a casual acquaintance. He’s looking for close, intimate, and trusted friendships. From June 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
On Purpose #3: Making God Smile
You are a child of God, and you can bring pleasure to God like nothing else and like no one else He has ever created. From June 15, 2008
On Purpose #2: Forever For Him
Earthly pleasures were never meant to permanently satisfy, but only to suggest and awaken our desire for eternal fulfillment. From May 25, 2008
On Purpose #1: It’s Not About Me
The search for a sense of meaning and purpose continues to puzzle many people, because typically they begin at the wrong starting point: themselves. From May 18, 2008
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